just for fun

Last year I was invited to Let's Have Fun Festival to host a workshop using recycled materials

let's have fun

About the festival

Let’s Have Fun festival is a community-focused event organized in Shanghai twice a year.
The festival was firstly organized as a weekly friends reunion to talk about food, music, art and design.
With the time their gatherings grew and then they decided to make it in a bigger venue in order to open it to the public.
This is how the festival started, and each time the organizers select a secret location for the event.
For this time it was organized at Former Frech Concession in a three storey building, where each floor was dedicated to different local vendors, designers, musicians and artists. And of course there was great live music.

I was invited to showcase my designs and also to host a workshop.

About the workshop

I designed a fun hands-on workshop where would learn how to create a small luminaire to use at home as lightning décor.

My main goal was to use recycled paper to build the structure of the lamp. Plus plywood, and a simple electronic circuit that atteendees would learn how to build.

This workshop is perfect for any curious out there!

lhf lhf lhf