Mirru in-out

FabAcademy Final Project

In 2019 I joined an amazing adventure in the world of Digital Fabrication the FabAcademy course. It is an intensive 20 weeks course where you learn HOW TO MAKE ALMOST ANYTHING.

During this course you have to come up with a final project that integrates as many tools and topics learnt throughout the FabAcademy.

Smart cat-door entrance system

For my final project, I decided to make something for our Shanghainese cat Mirru. The idea is for her to access our home with a special key (a special necklace with a tag) that enables the opening only to her and no other cat/animal can enter her/our house. The entrance is not only a door but a shelter for her where she can rest, chill or protect from the weather. For this project I made most of the parts and systems by myself, using from 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC milling, PCB design, programming, molding and casting, research and lots of patience.

necklace anatomy

The project is OPEN SOURCE and you can find the full documentation about my work HERE. These are all the systems and parts I designed and fabricated:

Project components

Tools and techniques I used to make this project:

  • 2D & 3D DESIGN
  • Subtractive manufacturing (CNC milling & laser cutting)
  • Additive manufaturing (3D printing)
  • Micro Controller Unit (MCU) PROGRAMMING
  • Printed Circuit Board (PCB) fabrication
  • Embedded programming
  • Interface and application programming

poster poster poster poster


Click the button below if you can't see the VIDEO on your phone:

Final Project Video

Final Project outcome video

Watch the video below to see the full project what it is about and how I made it. And also get the chance to meet Mirru ;)